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Stepper motor control

Stepper motors vary from regular DC motors in that, rather than just spinning in one direction or another, they can spin in very precise increments.

Basic Operation

Bit Writting Sequence

A B C D Angle
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 1 45
0 0 1 0 90
0 1 1 0 135
0 1 0 0 180
1 1 0 0 225
1 0 0 0 270
1 0 0 1 315
  • write values to connected PORT
void rotate_motor() {
    PORTC = 0b00000001;
    PORTC = 0b00000011;
    PORTC = 0b00000010;
    PORTC = 0b00000110;
    PORTC = 0b00000100;
    PORTC = 0b00001100;
    PORTC = 0b00001000;

Circuit Diagram


licensebuttons by-nc-sa

This work is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0.